Funniest thing in the world, I almost died of laughter. Thankfully Chuck Norris saved from the facts about himself. I am eternally in his service... Best forced slavery ever.
Funniest thing in the world, I almost died of laughter. Thankfully Chuck Norris saved from the facts about himself. I am eternally in his service... Best forced slavery ever.
You've heard the obvious so I'd like to say that the music and the art were relaxing. The game itself wasn't frustrating at all. No differences that were hard to click, some were hard to find, but they were all functioning. Good to just sit down and go oh hahaha those silly thugs. And then say Awwwww. Very nice. (No yiff. Yay!)
The graphics weren't great, but it was fun. What else is really important in a game?
But honestly people,how great is a flash game gonna be compared to a 2010 Wii fame, don't be idiots. This was really good for Flash, the gameplay was slightly repetiitve but it was fun.
Loved the first medal i got
broes b4 hoes! lol nicely done. Great graphics, great gameplay and controls and I loved the ending. CANU U FLY? YOU? YOU? MWAHAHAHAHA! they're all dead now! Great game
the way u unlock bombs is by closing the game and then starting it again. Great game.
great game,
but use less gradients and more good shading next time, also I think a roaming world would be good. and maybe u could use the camera at the objects position not have a camera following an invisible character.(I make games with a different program, I can see ur trixx o_0) lolz great though.
great game
as for how it is noe woot wonderful. But in the futur make it mre like DOOM which is a great role model for many 3d games. Have different floor heights textures more decorations more intellegint artifical intelegince. Jumping will be welcome if u could figure it out. more weopns would be fun, more engaging music. a wider open explorable map with tunnels and a buildings and stuff like that, to make it more interesting and a manuevearable camera, like as in it isn't always behind you u can move it up and down and around using the mouse. great game though keep it up.
I drew a figure 8 early in the game lolz it was very fun, havving your trail behind u made the game very artisitic and the lines made it a little harder fo rme because I was staring at the pretty colors. lol great game though
great game
I got to level 25 by clcking a smuch as I wanted. I was at around 300 clicks by level 25
Age 34
Joined on 8/6/07